Health and Safety Sciences Environmental Services




Health and Safety Sciences, LLC is a professional safety, security and environmental company made up of board-certified professionals and associates. Enironmental Services division is headed by a Certified Professional Geologist (CPG) that is also a Certified Safety Professional (CSP) with 25+ year’s experience in environmental management.

The face of environmental compliance has changed greatly over time and HSS has stayed abreast with the latest changes. We have found that in the past twenty years, small operators are stressed more than ever to comply with environmental regulations and many times they do not have a qualified environmental professional to handle them within their organization. That is where we can help by providing a team of professionals to address your needs and help you control costs.

Our team of professionals can help you navigate the waters with regards to permitting, reporting, and all other aspects of environmental compliance. We offer total environmental management for your facility in which we can handle your daily, monthly, and yearly compliance items regarding air, water, solids, RCRA, and hazardous waste needs. HSS performs these duties in an efficient manner to control costs so you get the most cost-effective professional services.

Environmental Services

  • Total environmental program management for your facility
  • Air quality investigations and reporting
  • Water permitting, sampling and reporting
  • Regulatory Compliance (Air, Water, RCRA, SARA Form R, State)
  • Remedial Investigations (Site Characterization, Sampling, Phase I & II)
  • Wetlands investigations and delineation
  • Radiation Protection/Safety Officer Services
  • Sustainability Studies, Management and Reporting
Health and Safety Sciences HazMat teams and team training.
Now Offering OSHA Outreach Training Courses.

The OSHA Outreach Training Program provides training for workers and employers on the recognition, avoidance, abatement, and prevention of safety and health hazards in workplaces.

Health and Safety Sciences

proudly maintains registration with these third-party qualification and management companies for the highest standards of employee safety and training.