My Online Safety Professional Service. Try it today.




Looking for a quick, easy and completely confidential way to get answers about health and safety issues affecting your workplace? Our service, “My Online Safety Professional,” is staffed by Board Certified Safety Professionals and is available regardless of your workplace’s location.

Looking for a quick, easy and completely confidential way to get answers about health and safety issues affecting your workplace? Our service, “My Online Safety Professional,” is staffed by Board Certified Safety Professionals and is available regardless of your workplace’s location.

How It Works:

First, submit your occupational health and safety question(s) to us with the form below. Include any diagram(s), links to video(s), picture(s), or other pertinent information that will allow our staff members to accurately address your questions and concerns.

Once the form is  received, our Board Certified Safety Professionals will thoroughly review the information and provide a cost estimate for the services needed. We will also include a PayPal link to make payment fast and simple.

Once the payment has been recieved, our staff members will go to work on every detail of your request to make sure that all of your safety concerns and requirements are documented and addressed.

Responses will be in the form of an organized report including recommendations for corrective action and supporting OSHA regulatory citations. Each report is signed and stamped by the Certified Safety Professional that performed the assessment process.

Tell us about your health & safety concerns

Please note that any and all information we receive will be kept completely confidential. If you decide not to use our service after submitting details and information to our staff, all of the information received will be deleted or otherwise destroyed.

Please note, all fields with an * are required.