Save time and money with our integrated services.

Safety is a priority for your organization. But managing employee safety training and internal safety management resources, along with utilizing multiple contractors can be difficult, time consuming and ultimately more costly. That’s why Health and Safety Sciences is pleased to offer integrated services to meet your comprehensive safety, security, inspection and permitting needs. Let Health and Safety Sciences help you find the balance between production and safety.

Find out more about our confined space safety services.

Confined Space Safety

Certified team members allow your personnel to safely enter permit required confined spaces at any time of the day or night, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.

Find out more about our security services.


Our security personnel are trained to provide assistance in plant and medical emergencies as well as onsite drug testing services.

Find out more about our crane and rigging inspections service.

Crane & Rigging Inspections

Monthly inspections of hoisting and rigging equipment in accordance with ANSI/ASME and OSHA regulations ensuring a safe and productive work environment.

Find out more about our safety services.


Our team members conduct monthly safety audits of facility areas and provide the onsite knowledge to write permits 24 hours a day.

Find out more about our fire brigade services.

Fire Brigade

Our professional staff members all meet or exceed the requirements of 29 1910.156 Industrial Fire Brigade standards, providing controls to minimize loss of life and property at your facility.

Find out more about our fire extinguisher inspections service.

Fire Extinguisher Inspections

Monthly inspections and servicing to maintain compliance with NFPA 10 and OSHA regulations/standards.

Find out more about our emergency shower inspections service.

Emergency Shower Inspections

Monthly inspections of emergency eyewash and shower stations to ensure compliance with ANSI and OSHA regulations/standards.

Find out more about our life safety inspections.

Life Safety Inspections

Monthly inspection of emergency lighting, exit signs, and fire prevention audits to ensure compliance with applicable, NFPA, ANSI and OSHA regulations/standards.



Saving Time & Resources

A dedicated on-site safety team makes sense. Why? With our integrated services, your organization gets a team of highly-qualified, certified and motivated individuals to fit your specific needs and goals for a fraction of the cost of hiring individual team members internally. Our nested safety teams also eliminate the need for multiple vendors, and help to avoid scheduling conflicts while maintaining a safe and productive work environment.

Increasing Productivity

Having dedicated team members on-site will decrease down time and increase productivity by ensuring a smooth inspection and permitting process while maintaining a safe workplace. An on-site HSS safety team will also allow for a better understanding of day to day operations, help HSS more proactively manage future safety concerns, and provide the very best services possible.

Customized Safety Teams

With a short consultation, one of our project managers will design a team specifically for the needs of your organization or facility, making sure that all of your safety, security and emergency needs are provided for, 24 hours a day.

Talk to a safety professional now at 1-606-393-3036